Welcome to BONBON onWheels official Website!
BonBon onWheels offers Kosher Candy Buffets and Gift boxes to customers who have religious dietary restrictions (kashrut practices).
We also create FUN and UNIQUE customize and interactive candy buffet displays in the Las Vegas basin.
We originated from California, servicing customers since 2008. We became well known through word of mouth in our Los Angeles community by family, friends and HAPPY customers and RETURNING customers!
BONBON onWheels is a full service kosher candy buffet and gift box concierge service offering Las Vegas residents best selection of unique and chic hand-crafted beautiful gift boxes, custom centerpieces, custom party favors, custom party decorations for any occasion, celebration and/ or corporate event.
We specialized in gift boxes for over a decade creating and delivering large volumes of custom holiday gift boxes for California and now for our Nevada communities and hotels including but not limited to:
Las Vegas Trade Shows & Expositions
Las Vegas Conventions
Conferences and Executive Meetings
Company Incentive & Reward Programs
Las Vegas Hotel Room Service & Casino Amenities
Hotel Branded In Room Amenity Gift Baskets
Welcome to Las Vegas Gift Baskets
Las Vegas Hangover Gift Baskets
Customer Appreciation & Thank You Gift Baskets
Company Branded Gifts & Gift Baskets
Hotel Turn Down Gift Baskets
Welcome Attendees & Exhibitor
Las Vegas Concierges
Las Vegas Reunions & Banquets
Milestone Celebrations
Las Vegas Weddings
Brand Marketing & Merchandising
Holidays & Appreciation Day
Raffles & Silent Auctions
Charity Events
Children's Birthday Party
Adult Birthday Party
High School Graduation
College Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Business Luncheon
Cocktail Party
Bar Mitzvahs
Quinceanera (Quince)
Sweet 16
Baby Shower
Wedding Reception
Wedding Shower
Engagement Party
Gender Reveal Party
Divorce Party
Last Day of School
Job Promotion
Housewarming Party
Football Party
Celebration of Life
Las Vegas Theme Party
Bachelorette/Bachelor Party
Girls Weekend
Game Night
We also provide Seasonal & Holiday Gift Boxes for Purim, Pesach, Rosh Hashana, Rosh Chodesh, Upsherin, New Years Eve Party, Engagement, Valentine's Day, Christmas, Halloween and Easter.
Besides our kosher concierge GIFTboxes, PARTYfavors, andMISHLOACHmanot we specialize in CANDYbuffets, that compliment your event style, decor, design and theme.
Rest assure that our products will leave a memorable and long-lasting impression on you, your family, workers, co-worker and everyone who interacts with them.
Let BonBon onWheels Kosher Candy Buffets and Gifts make your event extraordinary and marvelous
CONTACT US today for more details.
BONBON onWheels
Kosher Candy Buffets & Gifts
"Where SWEETS & GIFTS come together"
(415) SVS-CHAI
Copyright © 2008-2020 BONBON onWheels All rights reserved.

What are you waiting for? Contact us today!

BONBON onWheels
Kosher Candy Buffets & Gifts
"Where SWEETS & GIFTS come together"
(415) SVS-CHAI
Copyright © 2008-2020 BONBON onWheels
All rights reserved.